Asuransi Astra has been serving customers for more than half a century, precisely since September 12, 1956. The company, known for its Garda Oto motor vehicle insurance products, serves customers through a network of services spread across 28 branch offices, as well as service units and Garda Centers that continue developing. In addition to motor vehicle insurance, other products from Asuransi Astra are Garda Medika health insurance, mining industry insurance, agribusiness industry insurance, shop insurance, gas station insurance, sharia insurance, and others. Asuransi Astra also introduced Garda Mobile as a collection of applications intended for retail, commercial, and general customers.
Asuransi Astra
Gedung Graha Asuransi Astra, Jalan TB Simatupang No.Kav. 15, Jakarta Selatan
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